How To Prepare For Your Lifestyle Newborn Session

As a Lifestyle Photographer in Charleston, SC, newborn sessions are by far one of the most frequent session types I get to photograph (and one of my favorite).

But for many, the thought of someone coming into your home to photograph you during such a vulnerable (and likely overwhelming) time may make you worry… “what needs to be cleaned, where are we going to take the pictures, are we supposed to feed the baby before hand?” So to help put you at ease, here are my top tips for preparing for your lifestyle session. 

Number one, only clean what is necessary, and don’t stress the rest. I can absolutely promise when I come into someones home (especially the home of busy, sleep deprived parents) I am not judging how clean your counters are, or what your toddlers playroom looks like. All I am searching for is a few clutter free areas with good light to create magical images. So think about what rooms you are going to want photographs in. Focus on making those as clutter free as possible and don’t stress about anything else. What is especially helpful for this is to talk with your photographer ahead of time, send them some pictures of the rooms you would like photographed during the time of day your session is to take place. That way they can tell you where is going to have good light and you can discuss a plan for what rooms will be used. This will ensure you aren’t just guessing and they end up wanting to use a room or area that you did not prepare, or you have a room you spent a lot of time preparing that you never go in because it is too dark at that time of day.

Detailed Newborn Portrait of Baby Girls Face on a White Backdrop, Taken by Lifestyle Photographer in Charleston, SC

Two, have a plan for your pets. I will be the first to say, I LOVE animals and getting to include them in your session. But unless your dog is very calm, they will likely be excited/curious/nervous about what your photographer is doing. If you know your dog may be this way, it is helpful to have a plan to put them away for the majority of the session. I am always more than happy to accommodate having your pets in photos, in fact I love it! I know they are part of the family and I want to have them included. But I often find if you have a high energy dog, or a nervous dog you will spend a lot of time trying to calm or wrangle them, making it hard for you to relax and be in the moment. So I encourage starting the session with them put away until we are in the swing of it, and then we can begin to work them into the session flow. 

Third, prioritize eating something before your session or even during, if their is a break. You will have so much more energy and less stress if you remember to take care of yourself beforehand! And of course the same goes for baby. During a newborn session I will take breaks as much as we need for baby to eat so that everyone is comfortable and happy.

For tips on how to dress for your newborn session you can check out my blog post:

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