What To Wear For Your Newborn Session

As a Huntersville Newborn Photographer, one of the questions I get most often is “What do we need to wear for our session?” Which I find is one of the most common questions clients have for any type of photo session. But if you are a client of mine, this will never be something you have to worry about! We will discuss styling in great detail prior to your session. But maybe you are not a client of mine, or you are considering booking but you would like to see how I style families for my sessions. So let’s get into it!

Lifestyle newborn photos are so fun. They offer a look at the sentiment and beauty of life in your own home. But they can also bring about stress if you are not prepared. So planning outfits before baby’s arrival is really important to minimize your checklist once you are back home. 

The very first thing you need to do when planning outfits is to consider your chosen photographers photographic style. A professional photographer will have a consistent photo style. So notice, are the photos soft and bright, are they dark and moody? Once you know this you can begin to pick colors and styles that will best compliment this style! For example if your photographers work is very light with soft tones and mostly neutral colors, and you wear a bright red dress your photos are not going to maintain that same soft look. Photographic style is determined by a number of factors such as lighting and editing, but clothing choice and location also play a role in the overall style of a photo. 

So the next thing you are going to want to do is look at the sessions your photographer has done that you are absolutely in love with. Notice what outfits the subjects are wearing, are the colors bright? neutral? dark? vibrant? If your favorite photos all have families in light neutrals, you will want to wear similar colors. This will help you and your photographer achieve your desired look for the session. 

Once you have decided what color scheme you are going for, now it is time to pick out outfits. As a mom it is in your nature to help others first, so you will likely help everyone else pick out outfits that they love and then try to find a dress to match. But this is about you! You and baby will be the star of the show when it comes to this session so I want you to pick out your outfit first. Find the dress that makes you glow, the one that makes you twirl around and feel beautiful! Once you have found this then you can help everyone else coordinate outfits to match you. Don’t be afraid to mix textures and patterns to add dimension.

While each photographer is different and you will want to follow the steps above to ensure you are picking outfits that are the best fit for your session, I will show you some examples of coordinating family outfits that I provide my clients here in Huntersville for their newborn sessions. 

  1. […] best and you are ready to celebrate that! Either way, as time goes on you will be able to see a beauty in yourself that you may not have seen before. Which is what intimate portraits are all about. […]

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